Nuclear Receptor Research

Publication ethics & malpractice statement

Ethical standards for publication are existent to assurance high-quality scientific publications, unrestricted reliance in scientific findings, and that people receive recognition for their work and concepts.

Nuclear Receptor Research Journal are a member of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) and objectives to adhere to its guidelines and core practices.

Assessment of articles

All manuscripts are subjected to peer review and are anticipated to meet standards of academic superiority. If approved by the editor, submissions will be deliberated by peer reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.

Our Research Integrity team will occasionally seek advice outside standard peer review, for example, on submissions with serious ethical, security, biosecurity, or societal implications. We may consult experts and the academic editor before deciding on appropriate actions, including but not limited to recruiting reviewers with specific expertise, assessment by additional editors, and diminishing to further consider a submission.


Authors should not utilize words, figures, or thoughts of others without affirmation. All sources should be referred to at the point they are utilized, and reuse of phrasing should be restricted and be credited or cited in the text. Compositions that are found to have been counterfeited from an original copy by different creators, regardless of whether distributed or unpublished will be dismissed and the creators might bring about sanctions. Maybe any distributed articles ought to be amended or withdrawn.
Duplicate submission and redundant publication

Nuclear Receptor Research think about just unique substance, for example articles that have not been recently distributed, remembering for a phonetic other than English. Articles dependent on content earlier made public just on a preprint worker, institutional archive, or in a postulation will be thought of.  

Original copies submitted to Nuclear Receptor Research journal should not be submitted somewhere else while under thought and should be removed prior to being submitted somewhere else. Writers whose articles are found to have been at the same time surrendered somewhere else may bring about sanctions. 

On the off chance that writers have utilized their own earlier distributed work, or work that is presently under survey, as the beginning for a submitted composition, they should refer to the past articles and determine how their submitted original copy veers from their past work. Reuse of the creators' own words outside the techniques ought to be ascribed or cited in the text. Reuse of the creators' own figures or generous measures of phrasing might require consent from the copyright holder and the creators are answerable for acquiring this.

Nuclear Receptor Research Journal journals will consider extended versions of articles published at conferences provided this is declared in the cover letter, the previous version is clearly cited and discussed, there is significant new content, and any necessary permission are obtained.

Redundant publication, the inappropriate division of study outcomes into more than one article may result in rejection or a request to merge submitted manuscripts, and the correction of published articles. Duplicate publication of the same, or a very similar, article may result in the retraction of the later article and the authors may incur sanctions.

Citation manipulation
Authors whose submitted manuscripts are found to incorporate references whose basic role is to expand the quantity of references to a given writer's work, or to articles distributed in a specific journal, may bring about sanctions. 

Editors and commentators should not request that creators incorporate references just to expand references to their own or a partner's work, to the journal, or to another journal they are related with.

Fabrication and falsification

The authors of submitted manuscripts or published articles that are found to have fabricated or falsified the results, including the manipulation of images, may incur sanctions, and published articles may be retracted.

Authorship and acknowledgements

All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript, approved its claims, and agreed to be an author. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution. We refer to the ICMJE guidelines. Author contributions may be described at the end of the submission, optionally using roles defined by CRediT. Submitting authors must provide an ORCID and we encourage all authors to provide one. Changes in authorship must be declared to the journal and agreed to by all authors. An author may change their name on a published article.

Anyone who contributed to the research or manuscript preparation, but is not an author, should be acknowledged with their permission. Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest occur when issues outside research could be reasonably perceived to affect the neutrality or objectivity of the work or its assessment. This can happen at any stage in the research cycle, including during the experimentation phase, while a manuscript is being written, or during the process of turning a manuscript into a published article. 

If unsure, declare a potential interest or discuss with the editorial office. Undeclared interests may incur sanctions. Submissions with undeclared conflicts that are later revealed may be rejected. Published articles may need to be re-assessed, have a corrigendum published, or in serious cases be retracted. For more information on COIs, see the guidance from the ICMJE and WAME.